Leaf Pack Experiment Details at Backpackers campground on Tenaya Creek
Placement Information

Placement Date Nov. 1, 2023
Number of Packs Placed 4
Placement Air Temperature Unknown °C
Placement Water Temperature Unknown °C
Stream Habitat Type Pool
Leaf Pack Type and Composition

Predominant Leaf Species:


Retrieval Information

Retrieval Date Nov. 8, 2024
Number of Packs Retrieved 1
Retrieval Air Temperature Unknown °C
Retrieval Water Temperature Unknown °C
Storm and Non-Storm Events

Did storms occur while your leaf packs were in the stream? Unknown
Did flooding occur? Unknown
Was this site experiencing a drought during your experiment? Unknown

Summary Analysis
Results Overview

Total Number of Individuals Found 18
Pollution Tolerance Index Score 10
Pollution Tolerance Index Rating Poor - Severe pollution likely
Percent EPT 77.78%