Organization | Valley Creek Restoration Partnership |
today Registration Date | June 27, 2023, 9:04 p.m. |
Deployment Date | July 25, 2023, 2:55 p.m. |
Latitude | 40.0524285 |
Longitude | -75.4682784 |
Elevation (m) | - |
Elevation Datum | MSL |
layers Site Type | Stream |
Stream Name | Crabby Creek |
landscape Major Watershed | Schuykill River |
Sub Basin | Valley Creek |
location_city Closest Town | Berwyn |
notes Notes | Deployed and maintained by Valley Creek Restoration Partnership. Supported by Valley Forge Trout Unlimited and Green Valleys Watershed Association. |
info | Only the most recent 72 hours of available data are shown on the sparkline plots. The plots are broken when there are gaps in the data longer than 6 hours. Plots shaded in green have recent data. Plots shaded in red have not reported data in the last 72 hours. |
Medium | Liquid aqueous |
Sensor | METER_HYDROS 21 |
Medium | Equipment |
Sensor | EnviroDIY_Mayfly Data Logger v1 |
Medium | Equipment |
Sensor | EnviroDIY_Mayfly Data Logger v1 |
Medium | Equipment |
Sensor | EnviroDIY_EnviroDIY LTE Bee |
Medium | Equipment |
Sensor | EnviroDIY_Mayfly Data Logger v1 |